Tips to build muscle fast

You can expect to gain muscle quickly in your first two years of working out. This could be even about 30lbs (15kg) of lean muscle if you are a man. After that it slows down significantly. That’s normal, but also necessary to know to put things in perspective. Gaining more than 5lbs (2,5kg) of lean muscle mass after the second year is almost a miracle. If you could build muscle mass faster for some reason, it would only mean that you did something fundamentally wrong in your first two years.
6 Tips to Build Muscle Fast

Muscle Building Tip #1: Lift

In “How To Build Muscle,” you learn that the only way to significantly increase muscle is to cause muscle fibers to tear, and the only way to do that is to subject your muscles to external forces to which they’re not accustomed. So unless you have a heavy manual labor job like moving or construction, you must get your hands on barbells, dumbbells, and weight lifting machines to see significant muscle building progress.

Muscle Building Tip #2: Go Multi-Joint 

Unless you’re already very muscular, single joint movements like biceps curls or triceps extensions do not build muscle quickly. Instead, you should use multi-joint exercises like cleans, deadlifts, squats, and bench pressing. Not only do these exercises work more muscles in less time, but they also allow you to use much heavier weight than you can lift with single-joint exercises.

Muscle Building Tip #3: Go Heavy
Most people who are trying to build muscle do not use an adequately heavy weight. You should be lifting in the range of 8-12 repetitions per set, performing 3-8 sets per exercise, and using a weight that leads to muscle failure by the end of each set. One of the reasons that bodybuilders exercise with a partner is so that someone is there to help them when the weight gets too heavy to lift with good form. If you don’t have a workout partner, you can simply stop when you get too tired to lift with good form, rest a few seconds, then keep lifting to complete the set. This is a better way to build muscle than using a weight that allows you to comfortably complete a set without reaching muscle failure.

Muscle Building Tip #4: Avoid Cardio 

Your body requires calories to build muscle, and if you are doing a significant amount of cardio exercise like running or bicycling, you are burning calories that your body could otherwise be using to build muscle. So if you want to build muscle as quickly as possible, only use cardio for a brief 2-5 minute warm-up, and then focus on weight training only.

Muscle Building Tip #5: Eat 

To put on one pound of muscle, you need to consume at least 3,500 extra calories. Since an achievable rate of muscle gain is 1-2 pounds per week, you will need to be eating 500-1,000 extra calories per day to get 3,500-7,000 extra calories each week. But rather than indiscriminately shoving food down the hatch, try to consume calories from healthy protein sources like grass-fed beef, healthy fat sources like avocadoes and coconut milk, and healthy carbohydrate sources like sweet potatoes and yams.

Muscle Building Tip #6: Rest 

If you work a muscle too hard, too many days in a row, the muscle fibers will become too damaged to properly repair and grow. To build muscle quickly, you must completely fatigue a muscle group, but then give it time to rest. Typically, a muscle needs at least 72 hours to properly repair from a muscle-building, weight training session. A good rule to follow is to allow for complete absence of soreness in a muscle before working that muscle again. For example, do a shoulders and chest workout on Monday and Thursday, a leg workout on Tuesday and Friday, and a back, arms and abs workout on Wednesday and Saturday.

The main building blocks for optimal muscle growth are:
  • consistent and regular exercise. There is no best plan and variation is necessary for best results. As a matter of fact people who are consistent and who change their programs and rep ranges regularly build the best bodies. Don’t skip units, take notes of your progress.
  • A balanced and protein rich nutrition. Eat clean and avoid bulking. gaining weight too fast does not mean that you are building muscle faster. It makes more sense to stay relatively lean all the time due to various reasons (health, better hormone levels).
  • Enough rest and sleep. Protein synthesis needs 48 to 72 hours. This means stimulate but don’t annihilate your muscles. Advanced athletes need more rest. I for example can’t do a full body workout three times a week because it wears me out, but 2,5 times a week (every third day) is just fine. A beginner can regenerate faster.
  • Vary your intensity periods. Do some weeks of heavy lifting, but also do some weeks of lighter lifting. Otherwise your muscles will stop adapting and you will hit plateaus. also you will wear your body out if you only do heavy lifting (joints, spine). Shock your muscles with variation, every plan has some benefit.
  • Have fun from time to time to avoid boredom. A training buddy can be a great motivator and contribute to your gains mid and long term.
  • If you’re not a pro or aspiring to be a champion or want to earn money with it, treat bodybuilding as a fun hobby. Don’t skip meetings with friends because you read that you need a nap for optimal gains, or that you “must” eat 8 meals a day. For every rule there is at least one exception, and there are people who eat twice a day and have the same or better results for muscle gains, just to give you one example. You get what you put in and especially as a natural bodybuilder you have to grind for years, but still it is pointless to center your life around a hobby. I skipped holiday trips because I was scared of not being able to go to the gym. Sounds stupid? Absolutely.
Train, eat, rest, repeat.


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